Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Little Bit of Christmas Cheer

Look who decided to re-join the blogging party...

It's me! And to be honest, I wasn't sure I was going to come back to blogging. I'm still not 100% sure about it.

So...uh, yeah. I've been MIA for approximately 4 months. Almost to the day, actually. Ever since I managed to get the MOST EFFING OVERWHELMED I'VE EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE.

I nearly disappeared from the Interwebz in general, because after awhile, working 80 hours a week, studying, and still managing to have a relationship, bathe, make yourself look presentable, sleep, training for a new position, and occasionally act like an adult and cook/clean/etc gets to you and makes you batshit insane.

Uh, which I ended up being for a few weeks there. Like I certifiably probably should have been in a white coat in a padded room.

But, here we are...On Christmas Eve.
Time to update y'all on my life.

Well, I finished school. I haven't seen an official transcript yet (or, any transcript really), but I'm pretty sure my final semester ended up with a 3.875...and I'm going to graduate with honors. So, woot woot for me.

I still need to take my registry. I don't have access to do that for like, another month and a half or something ridiculous. I'm okay with that, although I'd like to let all of this knowledge out of my head so that it quits slowly leaking out. Heh.

And, since I have been working 80 hours a week up until last week, I have absolutely no fa-la-la-la-la-la Christmas cheer. Hell, I'm sitting here right now burning a Bali Sunrise candle and contemplating cleaning my apartment. I do have my mini-tree out and my display of Christmas ornaments, but...I'm not seeing family for Christmas, I'm working on Christmas, I haven't bought (or received) and Christmas presents...and sadly enough, I have not gone to look at Christmas lights. We did get a freak ice storm thing last week that kind of put driving around and looking at lights out of the schedule though.

Also...I'm thinking of renaming le blog. Health and Snark doesn't feel like it's cutting it for me any more. If you have any suggestions, leave 'em in the comments below.

I'm glad to be back, but now it's time to be productive! (And by that, I mean I'm probably going to end up painting my nails while watching YouTube videos.)

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